Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol is an online manual that claims to help people fight tinnitus and other hearing loss issues naturally by repairing and regenerating the myelin stealth merely by adding some unknown smoothies from the Tonaki island in their daily meals. If you believe that would put an end to your tinnitus and you will stop hearing that upsetting noise in your ears, I recommend buying this digital ebook only after you read this unbiased review.
In this article, I will try to show you the nutrients which you will find inside Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol, how may help or not to fight tinnitus and which are the side effects and the benefits of these ingredients. Furthermore, I will try to find more information about Todd Carson, the developer, and writer of this online manual and the resellers of this product. Finally, I will try to see if there are any links between the studies claimed on the seller’s webpage, the claims made by him regarding these studies and if or not will help fight tinnitus, and I will give me own conclusion.
Not to mention that I will try to answer the next questions which maybe are trying to find an answer:
- Is Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol a scam or is really helping people to silence the ringing in their ears?
- Can really I treat my Tinnitus or other hearing conditions by following this protocol?
- Has anyone tried the smoothies contained in this digital manual and saw any improvements?
Todd Carson’s Claims
I will remind all readers the shocking promises made by Tom Cason on his official website. He claims that the real cause of tinnitus is the damage done to the myelin sheath, the lipid-rich substance formed in the peripheral nervous auditory system. Also, he claimed that his wife put an end to tinnitus by eating foods containing quercetin, cobalamin, lecithin and other nutrients which have been proved to repair the myelin sheath. He claimed that his wife, Jo after drinking the smoothies contained in his “tinnitus 12” protocol:
- After the 1st week, she noticed no improvement.
- After 10 days, still no sign that Jo ringing in the ears were decreasing.
- On the 14th day, Jo was no longer nervous when hearing normal sounds.
- On the 21th day, the miracle came and Jo said that her tinnitus was gone.
Todd’s claims constantly made me asking myself and you should do too:
- Where is Jo in the presentation movie? I want to see some photos of Jo and Todd together.
- Don’t we need some proof signed by at least an otolaryngologist (ENT doctor) and audiologist showing that her tinnitus was gone?
Who is the Author & Developer of Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol

Todd Carson is the author of Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol. As written on his official website, he is a retired military police officer, and he is 52 years old. He is a familist and who served the army, the Marines, and the U.S. Airforce for more than 20 years. He claims that he found this miracle solution to get rid of tinnitus during a warfare training camp on an island named Tonaki. While he was on that island, he met Kyoko, a 73 years old Japanese woman originally from Okinawa. This woman gave him her journal with all the recipes & the ingredients containing food which may repair the myelin sheath. He did his research and remodeled the Japanese recipes containing foods or ingredients, like Imo. Kombu or Natto ,to more common ones which may be found in any local grocery store or supermarket. All these statements lead me to the next question:
- Where can I find more information about Kyoko? I really want to ask her more questions.
Myelin Sheath Research & Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol
I tried to see if there are any connections between myelin sheath studies and tinnitus and if eating a healthy diet will repair the myelin sheath and also put an end to tinnitus. Furthermore, I tried to see all the links between the studies claimed by Todd Carson on his webpage and tinnitus. The main role of the myelin sheath is to protect the axons, the thin projections that extend from a neuron or a nerve cell. Due to these facts, all the studies conducted show that myelin sheath damage is linked to hearing loss. There are only a few studies which show a link between myelin sheath and tinnitus.
The first study that Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol webpage is referring to was conducted by Martine Hamann Ph.D. This study is important because it allows understanding the links between exposure to loud sound and hearing loss and possibly tinnitus developed from hearing loss. This is a private study, and more information can be found here and here. The second study that Todd is referring to, was the one conducted by Xuzhou Medical College from China. The bad news is that I didn’t find any kind of link between this college studies and tinnitus. Maybe this study was made in 2018, and not many information can be found, or perhaps the author of this protocol is lying and no such study exists. Or maybe the study is written in Chinese and I can’t find too many information about it.
I have done my own research and the only studies which may show a connection between myelin sheath degeneration and Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol. The results can be found here and here. Both studies show some to almost no connection between tinnitus and myelin sheath.
All the research I’ve made only led me to the facts that myelin sheath damage may lead to hearing loss which may lead to tinnitus. As far as I know, there is almost no cure most of myelin sheath deterioration conditions.
What is Included in This Holy Grail of Tinnitus Protocol?
The Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol contains one main manual and three bonuses:
The Main 21 Days Protocol
In the main Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol guidebook, people will discover precise instructions given by the author on how to follow the protocol. For example, he is explaining how to prepare the right smoothies for breakfast, lunch or dinner. As a bonus, inside this book, you will learn more about the two food additives and the five prescribed drugs which must be avoided.
The bonus merchandise contains:
Tinnitus Trigger Foods
Inside this bonus manual, people will learn more about the foods which may damage the myelin sheath and what can be done about it
The Binaural Beats for Tinnitus Audio Series
This is just a bonus containing different audio tracks. Todd Carson claims that will help to reduce tinnitus by more than 50%. I have done some research and you can find some free audio soundtracks for tinnitus on Youtube too. Please be informed that is not advised to listen to them without doctors approval.
The Yoga for Tinnitus Video Series
This item is another bonus containing unique videos explaining some yoga poses which may help to decrease tinnitus severity. Again, I did some research and if someone search on youtube “yoga for tinnitus” you will find some poses there too.
Pro & Cons
From my point of view as a buyer only and not a user, this product has some pro points:
Being a Digital Product, it Has Instant Delivery
All the instructions on how to access the download area of this product are given to people after they pass the checkout page. An email containing a link and also all the instructions on how to download the ebook, audio series or videos will be found in the email.
It May Help People Not to Develop Tinnitus to Appear Later in Life
By drinking the smoothies from this protocol, it means that you will protect the myelin sheath. It means that you have more chances not to develop tinnitus caused only by the damaged myelin sheath.
The main disadvantages of this product are:
Ingredients may have side effects
Even if Todd Carson claims that the smoothies from Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol contain only natural ingredients, some ingredients may have side effects. For example, your doctor may advise you to avoid sweet potatoes if you have kidney stones because this vegetable contains oxalate, the main cause of calcium-oxalate kidney stones. I suggest, before drinking the smoothies, to search online for each side effects of every ingredient, vegetable or fruit from these smoothies.
Digital E-book, Audio & Video Series
Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol contains only pdf, mp3, and video files which may be downloaded only from the client area. For some people who wish to have a hard copy of this product, this issue may be a minus point
How to Buy Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol
People may find this product only on the official webpage at All the sales are secured by an https protocol developed by, also known as BuyGoods LTD. It means that all consumers information is 100% safe and secure. The only negative point it that Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol cant be purchased from Amazon. Moreover, when I bought this product to do this review, I got it with $10 discount. When I tried to exit the written sale page by Todd, I got the extra $10 coupon code to buy it.
My Advice & Final Words
My review suggests purchasing Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol only if people want to learn more about tinnitus and how they may fight it with natural smoothies. Is Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol a scam or is working? I really don’t know the answer to this question because I don’t have any ringing in the ears issues. My advice is that after buying this guide to visit your audiologist or otolaryngologist because they are the only ones who, after looking on the protocol, audio tracks and yoga poses may give you the best advice. Even if Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol may sound like a safe and natural guide to follow, always ask your ear doctor. Moreover, don’t forget that this product is covered by 60 days refund policy. It means that after 60 days you don’t see any sign that your tinnitus starts to vanish away, you may get a full refund anytime within this timeframe.
If you buy this product and don’t follow his guidelines step by step, better don’t buy it. Anyway, my honest point of view is that tinnitus has many causes and Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol may help you only if your Tinnitus is linked to myelin sheath degeneration. Furthermore, I don’t think will help too much but if you follow it. I believe that you will have lower chances to develop tinnitus when you grow older.
If you consumed all your options and you still can’t get rid of that noise from inside the ears, then Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol may be a solution. At this point, my review ends, and I must mention that this review is made only from my point of view. If you found it useful and exciting information and it helped, please don’t forget to share this article. If you bought and tried the entire protocol, please don’t forget to let others know your results in the comments below. This way all new possible buyers will be adequately informed.
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