Outback Vision Protocol is a lutein and zeaxanthin online program that claimed to help people fight vision loss and even reverse it by merely adding some secret smoothies to their daily meals. If you thought that would put an end to your vision loss, but you will have 20/20 vision again, I recommend buying it only after you read my unbiased review of this online product.
In this article, I will try to show which are the ingredients described in this guide, how may help or not and which are the benefits and side effects of following Outback Vision Protocol. Furthermore, I will investigate the author, Bill Campbell, and resellers of this product. In the end, I will see if there is a connection between online guide and the claims from studies found on the official webpage, and I will give my conclusion.
Also, I will inform if I found any discount code or coupon and will try to answer some questions which, maybe, many are asking themselves:
- Is Outback Vision Protocol a scam or is really helping people restore their vision by simply drinking these smoothies?
- Can I really treat my macular degeneration condition or any other eye care issues?
- Has anyone tried this smoothies based diet and saw improvements?
Bill Campbell’s Claims
If necessary, I will remind you of some of the shocking promises from the official website, regarding Bill Campbell’s wife’s macular degeneration the leading cause of vision loss. He claimed that his wife, Lindsay after following his protocol on:
- the 5th day she saw a little improvement.
- the 9th day she began to see the “E” letter from the testing charts.
- the 14th day she began to read the second row.
- the 17h day she was reading the middle letters from the testing charts.
- the 21st day her vision was completely back to normal.
All these claims lead me to the next questions:
- Where is Lindsay in the official presentation movie or the official website?
- Don’t we need some proof that she recovered her vision? Don’t we need as proof at least some eye exam papers signed by an optometrist or ophthalmologist?
Who is the Author & Developer of Outback Vision Protocol

Bill Campbell is the author of Outback Vision Protocol. As stated on his official webpage, he is 52 years old and is retired sergeant in the US Marine Corps. He also claims that he found this “holy grail for vision loss” while he was in Australia on a mission to search for asylum seekers, drug smugglers, and human traffickers. While in this mission, an aboriginal soldier called Bunji, gave him all the recipes & ingredients to prepare the smoothies for his wife. After that, he did his research and remodeled all these Australian recipes containing warrigal spinach and other ingredients to more common ones which everyone can find in a grocery store. All these facts, also, lead me to the next question:
- Why don’t we have more information about this Bunji soldier?
Lutein, Zeaxanthin Research & Outback Vision Protocol
The first study from Outback Vision Protocol official webpage is referring to one research conducted by The National Eye Institute. In fact, there were two studies conducted by NEI which I will analyze further.
The Main Studies Conducted by NEI
In the first one, which also the official webpage of this product is referring to, was conducted in 2001 by NEI and his name is AREDS1. This NEI study tried to discover more about the risk factors of age-related macular degeneration and cataract. Furthermore, this study showed that the progression of cataract is not stopped by adding high amounts of beta-carotene, zinc vitamins A and C to daily meals. But the same study showed that high levels of zinc and antioxidants reduce the risk of advanced age-related macular degeneration and vision loss. All be careful, the study claimed that it reduces the risk of developing it, not reversing it!
The second study was conducted in 2013, and it is called AREDS 2. This NEI research tried to see if by adding omega-3 fatty acid two antioxidants from the same family, these two antioxidants will be a good substitute for beta-carotene. The two antioxidants were zeaxanthin and lutein. The results found that these two antioxidants are a suitable replacement for beta-carotene while adding omega-3 fatty acids did not affect anything because cataract was still advancing. These two studies can be found on the National Eye Institue here, and more in-depth details of the second study can be found on US National Institute of Medicine here.
The Elderly Finish People Study
Another study claimed by Outback Vision Protocol author that helped him to make this protocol is trying to show that high amounts of plasma lutein and zeaxanthin are related to lower risk of developing a nuclear cataract.This one is referring to elderly Finish population and is published in British Journal of Nutrition. This research is showing that from 113 cases of cataract, the people with highest amounts of plasma lutein and zeaxanthin had 41-42% lower risk of developing cataract. Furthermore, please pay attention, this study is based on a cox proportional hazards method, and it states that even if is they had high plasma concentrations of these two antioxidants, none of these people with cataract reversed their vision loss.
The Unknown Studies
The last studies that the author of Outback Vision Protocol is referring to, are the ones from Florida and Kentucky Universities. While I didn’t find any evidence of a study made by the University of Kentucky, you can see the one from the University of Florida here. It looks more like an online article which is also referring to the AREDS1 & AREDS2 studies.
All in one all these studies were made to show that lutein and zeaxanthin may have a positive effect on age-related macular degeneration, but not a cataract. Furthermore, all these studies will show that diets rich in these two antioxidants may stop AMD from advancing but only healthy people younger than 70 years.
Our bodies can’t produce naturally these antioxidants it needs. People may get them also by getting supplements or vegetables. Pay attention, replacing a healthy diet with supplements it doesn’t mean that you are eating healthy daily for your eyes.
What is Included in This Holy Grail of Vision Loss Protocol?
Outback Vision Protocol contains four distinct items 2 main items and 2 bonuses:
- The Fast Start Guide
In this guide, people will find general information about vision loss and how to protect their eyes during life. Also, will learn more about the free radicals and the native foods list that was given to Bill by Bunji to help his wife. In the end, people will find useful foods which will help protect their eyes life.
- The Main 21 Protocol
Here people will discover the main Outback Vision Protocol, in which, precise instructions are given by the author for 21 days. He is explaining to people what, how, when and how to drink his smoothies step by step.
The bonuses are:
- The Home Eye Test Kit
This is just a bonus containing different charts and diagrams needed to make basic home eye tests.
- Binaural Beats Audio Tests
This item is another bonus and contains some audio tracks, in which Bill Campbell’s statement is that binaural beats may be beneficial for vision.
Pro & Cons
From a possible customer point of view the main advantages are:
Fast Delivery Time Because Is a Digital Product
After people pass the checkout page, a confirmation email regarding their order and containing all the details on how to download the Outback Vision Protocol pdf, and also, all the additional files will be sent to their email address.
It May Help The Vision Problems to Appear Later
From my point of view, this product only, by eating and drinking the smoothies shown by the author, will only make age-related eye conditions to appear later because you just eat healthier foods for your eyes.
Also, the main disadvantages of this protocol are:
Some Ingredients May Have Side Effects
Even if the author claims that his recipes from Outback Vision Protocol contain only natural ingredients, by ingesting these foods, some ingredients may have side effects. For example, if you are prone to kidney stones, your doctor will suggest avoiding spinach, a rich food containing lutein and zeaxanthin will be a good idea. My advice is to search online and read all these foods and ingredients from this protocol side effects carefully.
Outback Vision Protocol Is Available Only In Digital Format
This guide and the bonus audio tracks are available only as pdf & mp3 files. This may be a minus point for individuals seeking for hard copies for the guide, or CD or DVD versions for the audio files.
How to Buy Outback Vision Protocol
People can see this product presentation only on the official Outback Vision Protocol website which is outbackvisionprotocol.com. All the sales are made through the retailer buygoods.com, and a https communication protocol secures all their purchases. This transaction protocol belongs to BuyGoods. It means all their private information is secured. Also, it leads me to the next question:
- Why can’t find this product on Amazon or other big online retailers?
Furthermore, at the time when I bought it to see what’s inside to make this review, there was a coupon code available to get it with a $10 discount.
Final Words and My Advice
My review recommends purchasing Outback Vision Protocol only if you want to learn more regarding vision loss and how people may fight it naturally. Is Outback Vision Protocol a scam or is working? I don’t know because I’m not losing my vision, but I recommend that after buying the guide, to visit an optometrist or ophthalmologist because they are the best persons who, after looking on the protocol, may give a better answer. Even if Outback Vision Protocol seems to be a natural and safe program to follow, always ask your eye doctor. Anyway, don’t forget that you have 60 days to follow its guidelines it if you don’t see any improvement regarding your vision you can take all your money back.
If you are looking for a magical solution to have healthy eyes, and don’t put the effort to read and eat better by following step by step indications contained, then, this protocol isn’t for you. From my point, I will repeat it, will not reverse the vision loss but will help people to have healthy eyes.
If you want a cheap alternative to “having healthier eyes,” or you consumed all your options, then Outback Vision Protocol may be a good solution. Here it ends my review, which, I made it only from my point of view. If you found interesting and useful information in it, please don’t forget to like and share it. In the end, if you bought this protocol and tried it, please leave a comment below, and I will let your voice to be heard by all possible buyers.
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