Iaso Tea contains a combination of herbs known for their potential detoxifying effect over the body. The producers say that it will help you get rid of any accumulated toxins and you will see the consequences of the detoxification process very fast.
How Does Iaso Tea Work?
This herbal tea can help you lose weight and get rid of the unwanted waste in your intestines. The nine plants which altogether form Iaso Tea have a synergetic action, and the results are visible even in a few days. Also called “a miracle” drink, it has the ability to cleanse the body and making people feel lighter.
What Are the Benefits of Iaso Tea?
It seems that our bodies get filled up with toxins due to the pollution, the food which contains plenty of chemicals and artificial ingredients, the cosmetic products made with non-natural elements and the list could go on. It is, therefore, crucial to clean it so the organism could function properly. Iaso Tea is made up of nine herbs which have a beneficial effect on the upper and lower intestines by flushing away the residues which lay in the digestive tract.
Due to the poor quality of food and accumulation of toxins, people usually don’t absorb the needed nutrients. When removing these toxins from the body, it will be able to extract all the vitamins and minerals needed. That is when Iaso Tea enters the scene and does its job.
Producers state that it brings several benefits such as:
- Creates an alkaline environment in the body
- Has a detoxifying effect on the gall bladder, kidneys, and lungs
- Helps in cleansing the colon
- Is a great aid for the liver because it removes the toxins, chemicals and any other parasites and bacteria
- Promotes weight loss
- Treats constipation and other digestive conditions like indigestion, acid reflux, gas and bloating
- Improves blood circulation and also detoxifies the bloodstream
- Stimulates the immune system and metabolism
- It is active in the fight against worms
- Helps in eliminating nicotine in the case of actual or ex-smokers
Who Created Iaso Tea?
This drink was created by Dr. Bill Miller (Bs.Ms.Ph.D. Nutritional Science) from Tennessee, USA. He designed it as a healing tea, aimed to help people in treating their digestive problems and getting rid of toxins in the body.
Iaso Tea Ingredients
Here is the list of the nine herbs you may find in the backpack of Iaso Tea, exactly in this order. We may assume that they were listed in the descending order of appearance.
Persimmon Leaves – this old Chinese remedy acts as an effective cleanser due to the high content of Vitamin C, flavonoids, and carotenoids. It is the reason they have a significant stimulating effect on the immune system. They also act well in bleeding situations by protecting the blood vessels and reduce the incidence of allergies.
Holy Thistle – has a strong diuretic effect thus cleansing the digestive tract. But it doesn’t stop here, and it is efficient with other gastrointestinal conditions such as diarrhea. Women can rely on it on the menstruation period because it relieves pain and headaches. It is known for centuries as it was used against the plague in the Middle Ages.
Malva Leaves – close related to Marsh Mallow, it is also known as Chines Mallow and fights against any inflammation in the body. This herb covers a broad range of digestive ailments, treating gastroenteritis, simple stomach aches, and even irritable bowel syndrome which is a very unpleasant illness. Its effect may go upper and bring relief with irritation of the bronchi.
Marsh Mallow – just like its Chinese relative, Marsh Mallow has an anti-inflammatory effect which is beneficial for the entire body. Since it can decrease the inflammation of the stomach membranes, it brings great relief in ulcers. Marsh Mallow rebalances the digestive activity so that it can treat both constipation and diarrhea. The plant will also alleviate symptoms of a dry cough and help in removing any stone that builds up in the urinary tract.
Blessed Thistle – stimulates the digestion and the bile flow. In its presence, the stomach will produce more gastric juice. Also increasing the amount of saliva, the herb helps with the digestion because the food is easier processed when soaked with this secretion.
Papaya – this plants acts as a diuretic and flushes away the toxins. By improving the digestive activity, it helps in keeping a low cholesterol. The herb strengthens the immune system and brings relief with menstrual pain.
Myrrh – is a potent antiseptic and fights against bacteria and fungi. It removes the germs from the digestive tract as well as the ones from the mouth. Another condition that can be treated with myrrh is a sore throat. It purifies the blood leading to smaller incidence of cardiovascular diseases.
Chamomile – many ancient healers use chamomile for digestive issues because of its calming effect. It can reduce menstrual pain, alleviate the symptoms of stomach ulcers or flu, and also helps the liver maintain its natural functioning. Some use it in the case of appetite loss.
Ginger – is an ancient remedy for improving the digestion process. Ginger can be of help in the event of nausea, heartburn, gas and bloating. Even pregnant women can feel the benefits of ginger because it is extremely efficient in combating the morning sickness.
Side Effects of Iaso Tea
Most likely we won’t find many supplements on the market that don’t present some side effects. Just like other products, we must consider the following problems before buying Iaso Tea:
- Loose stools
- Mild headaches
- The urge to urinate more often
These symptoms may appear in the first days of drinking the tea. If you experience one of these, it is advisable to drink more water.
How to Take Iaso Tea
You will get a bag with two sachets inside. The producers say you need one quart (liter) of water to prepare the tea and follow the next steps:
- Bring the water to a boil and bring in the tea bags.
- Take the pot away from the stove and let the plants infuse for four to eight hours.
- Add another three quarts (liters) of water to the teapot and stir well. Keep the tea bags inside. Place the tea in the fridge.
- The recommended dosage is 8 ounces of tea for lunch and 8 ounces for dinner. If you want to, you may drink 4 ounces more with a snack.
How Does Iaso Tea Help You to Detox and Lose Weight?
Being an organic blend of several herbs, Iaso Tea will filter out all the unwanted compounds which come together with the foods we ingest. By doing that, only necessary nutrients will enter your toxins.
Together with the ability to dissolve old waste, producers say that this drink can help in regaining the health of the digestive tract which will ultimately lead to weight loss once and for all. When the digestive process functions the right way it is less likely to gain extra pounds because all the essential substances from food will go to the right place and the trash will be eliminated.
Producers guarantee that people can lose 5lbs. in 5 days.
Does Iaso Tea Really Work in Detoxifying the Body?
All the nine plants that are in Iaso Tea have been carefully chosen for their miraculous properties in helping with digestive problems. This blend may actually work because of this great combination.
It is always better to choose herbal remedies for detoxification because they have a mild action and do not present harsh side effects, unlike the over-the-counter drugs.
Many people stated that the tea has helped them a lot in detoxifying their bodies and are completely satisfied with its purchase and use.
However, fewer individuals reported constipation and severe headaches that forced them to stop drinking Iaso Tea.
Who Makes Iaso Tea?
One of the manufactures is Total Life Changes (TLC). It is an international company which sells a wide variety of natural supplements, including vegetal oils or skincare ingredients. The purpose of these products is to offer a holistic approach to health and help people find balance in their life. Jack Fallon is the CEO of the company and he coordinates the activity of several experts.
How to Buy Iaso Tea
Since it is a quite popular product, Iaso Tea is sold in over 140 countries. You can purchase it directly from the company’s website, with 30 days money back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with the product, TLC will get your money back even if you have already drunk the tea.
You can also find it on Amazon.com. One month supply cost approx. $37.5. Buy it if you want to lose weight fast and gain a healthy digestive system.
Considering the potent herbs that are found in Iaso Tea, we may say that this product is pretty useful. Even though TLC bring the tea upfront as a weight loss product, you may consider it as a significant contribution to your health. It is possible to feel some weird symptoms in the beginning, but remain calm as they will pass really soon. These side effects may also be the consequence of the detoxifying process, and they are quite standard and it is a sign that the tea is doing its job.
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